For Entertainment Purposes Only! Primarily Mine.

Well, after over two weeks, I fell off the coffee wagon. I’ll quit again tomorrow. I remain on the beer wagon. None since the 17th of March. Tho’ I am out of whisky now! S-O-B!
Tried to have a bottle of wine yesterday, but the f#@%ing cork tore and I’m just too lazy to work that hard for wine.

The primary concern isn’t necessarily to quit drinking, but rather slow down the rate of consumption. The ability to put down a couple hundred ounces of beer in a day is apparently something you shouldn’t strive for. By the end of the day I’m not even staggering. Hell, most of the time, I can’t even move! (old joke)

Watching the world these days, ya know, from a distance(corona virus humor!), it’s easy to see why people drink. That doesn’t make it right, I guess, but my God! The masses have been dumbed down to the point that they keep re-electing Pelosi and watching The View! For heaven’s sake, there were actually people upset that the NBA cancelled their season! Seriously?! You can’t make this shit up folks!

Which brings me to another point. If we can suddenly close all the schools and home school our children with online courses, why the hell do we still have brick and mortar schools? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to have teachers on the other side of a computer screen? No buildings to build and maintain, no busing, no crappy lunchroom meals(I remember the days when mystery meat was an option on the menu), no playground bullying issues, but most importantly, you can cut the damn property taxes for this outdated practice!
I can hear y’all crying now, “but what about social interaction? How are they supposed to learn to play nice with others? Who’s my kid supposed to cheat off of during the test when he’s not sitting next to a smart kid?” Are you not paying attention? CORONA!!!
Seriously, keep your sports, keep your clubs and maybe you could teach your brats how to behave around others in person. Have a BBQ, meet and get to know your neighbors. Okay, well not all of them, but at least the ones that seem close to normal. This would be much better for society, rather than social media, where everyone has a hundred to a thousand friends, but complains about every other person on the planet.

Which reminds me, if you haven’t already, please subscribe to this blog and you will receive updates directly when there are new posts.

That’s it for now!
Be safe!


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